A covenant with Death is not always a good deal. Four greedy nobles asked her to change the free will of life so that one of them could be the next he..
Selling precious fabrics, the finest of spices, and the freshest of fruits in Istanbul was very good for business. But now the customers at the bazaar..
Olympus is a deterministic (i.e., non-random) strategy game, based on worker-placement, resource management and building an efficient engine to score ..
Clanrats mass into huge clawpacks, their vast numbers bolstering their courage and allowing them to surge across the battlefield and overwhelm the enemy, regardless of the hideous casualties they suffer along the way.
Clanrats are the main front-line unit in a skaven army. They’re great for c..
The latest creations from the crazed laboratories of the Clans Skryre, Stormfiends are hulking brutes stitched together from a variety of body parts. Armed with a deadly array of experimental weaponry, they are able to wade through densely-packed enemies, or single-handedly halt enemy charges with b..
Regiments of Renown are storied mercenaries who wander the Mortal Realms, offering their services to whichever armies will help them achieve their own ambitions. Led by warriors famous and infamous alike, these dogs of war recruit like-minded soldiers to join them in their quests to fill their coffe..
Some vampires dedicate their eternal lives to the mastery of one pursuit, and those determined to become peerless warriors invariably end up among the ranks of the Blood Knights. Atop their hulking undead nightmare mounts and clad in thick plate armour, these martial experts are unstoppable on the c..
Elder vampires often continue to grow in power as the years tick by, their arcane and martial might growing steadily even as the paragons of mortal races wither and die. Many take up the mantle of a Vampire Lord, commanding legions of undead servants and scores of lesser Soulblight vampires in grand..
Deadwalker Zombies are created from the bodies of the recently dead, given strength through the power of dark necromancy and sent onto the battlefield in shambling hordes. Utterly mindless and driven by a collective instinct alone, zombie migrations have become an ever-present plague following the n..
Bedecked in rusting weapons and wearing the fading scraps of once-proud armour, Deathrattle Skeletons are the unflinching core of many a Soulblight vampire's army. Not only are they tireless, remorseless warriors, but also diligent workers in the fields of the Deathrattle Kingdoms, ruled over by..
Sekhar, Fang of Nulahmia, is amongst the most lethally skilled of all Neferata's agents. A master hypnotist, she is capable of enthralling even the strongest-willed – just as she has done with the serpent Ouboroth, the eternally ravenous husk of a fallen death god. Sekhar goes to war surro..
Necromancers are widely regarded as twisted and corrupt individuals who are obsessed with death and the avoidance of it at all costs. They are used (for they are rarely their own master) by Vampires to animate the broken corpses of their servants and return them to battle. To learn such dark magic, ..
The Soulblight Gravelords are powerful undead monstrosities eternally hungering for the blood that sustains them. Led by cruel and immortal vampiric nobility, they go to war with hordes of undead thralls and twisted beasts. Each dynasty fights differently, attuned to their morbid commander's predile..
Wight Kings are ancient rulers, resurrected by foul necromantic magic. Some of these Deathrattle monarchs take to battle atop ancient skeletal steeds, clad in rusted barding. These mounted warrior-lords typically ride at the very forefront of the undead advance, stampeding the enemy into dust and dr..
All dread the coming of the Blades of Khorne – an unholy alliance of mortals and daemons for whom war is an act of worship. These maddened warbands leave no survivors in their wake, making them instead an offering to their bloodthirsty god. In return, Khorne grants them strength and resilience..